Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Recession hits Indian Advertising

the last three months for me have been tough...source for new clients, Pitching, Presentations and all that jazz....
k forget it.....

i happen to hear more job shift of my friends, some of them lost job,...some of them thrown out....with out any prior information.

i just tried to analyze Recession and Advertising industry together so that it could help some of my friends and students MBA institiutes

OK....let's get back to basics
Marketing is largely divided into 4 catagories,,,,Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
on recession time....where do you think they can cut costs easily.....on Promotion....just a phonecall to ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE and his following action will reduce their media cost instantly....

advertising comes under promotion ....ya u know it.

then any marketer will get into price , product , place

Promotion (cut media spending) -----Price( reduce price/ Discount price/ Offers) ---Production ( cut cost, sack employees, Produce less) ----Place( forget the distributors bring lesser volume)

but we advertiser will not get affected....instead doing big budget films....we will be doing less budget films, tactical advertising, offer based promotions...

local knowledge of advertising will get more value than branding.....

and atlast....advertising agency will survive.....if they cut cost by reducing people/ getting more freelancers than full time employees....

is there a method to survive this recession....yes the tactics are

shut down computers, send mails.... dont show printouts to the client....let the client understand that we are also suffering because of recession, reduce unwanted browsing and blog updation. ban orkut/ youtube/

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