Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sollution for English Language training market in India

Recently working on a brand that trains people in Foundation and spoken english in tamilnadu....probing into the psyche of the customers joining this course puts your creative thinking skills to a bigger task.....on finding the is the SINGLE MINDED MESSAGE to the Target Group.

bird's eye view on the target group

I need a Better JOB
- student who just finised their college course ( Under/ Post Graduation)
English would give me a better performance in campus interview
- Students who are into their final year of the college
age group 20 - 25 male and female
with parents who dont speak fluent english at home
parents funding for the course or self
peer group advices to take up english course for a better survival

i think all the details above given ....could be done by a MBA fresher...

but here comes strange data...
20 percent of the group has a hidden psychological reason inside...

after talking to chairman of that company ....found out lot of new reasons

1) hyper motivated students have single parent
2) personal life tragedy like rejection in love, faith lost in friendship
3) lot of elder brothers and sisters funding for the course
4) they think English can get them a job with better earning....that will solve all their problems of life


Indian English Training education institutes should make this mandatory
1) Psychological counseling before enrollment
2) Ex-students with 5 years work experience should be appointed as mentors
3) discounted meditation course offered in the same campus
4) clubs of ex students to be formed and monitored to be in functioning mode all the time
5) no teachers. no professors. educate them with philosophers

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